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Helping to bring you back to balance naturally.


Acupuncture is founded on the belief that a blockage or disturbance in the flow of Qi  can create medical issues.  According to Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) theory, pain and disease are signs that the body is out of balance.


Acupuncturists place tiny needles into precise spots throughout the body along routes known as meridians to regulate physiological processes and promote calm.  Treatment is based on a complete consultation, which includes a comprehensive assessment of the patient's health, lifestyle and any other contributing factors such as diet and lifestyle.


Over time, different styles of acupuncture have emerged, each with its own unique approach to the practice, such as Five Element, TCM, Auricular, Japanese, Korean, Electroacupuncture, Medical or Western, Scalp, Acupressure and many more.  TCM and Five Element are the most common styles used in the UK, with Japanese Acupuncture gaining popularity.  



'Abi was very professional and relaxed. It was a lovely and calm experience. Having attended for 5 sessions it definitely helped with my sleep issues. Plus a couple of other things I hadn't gone for too!' 
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